Results are sexy, being consistent is not.
We live in an era that bombards us daily with new stuff: Information, products, trends, etc. It is extremely hard to have the same “tunnel vision” as people once did, back in the day. Every single day, I try to make good decisions with a lot of distractions present. Although these distractions cause me to be inconsistent from time to time, I believe they let me absorb the world around me and express it in my work. It results in me, being more present.
I started lifting again and paying close attention to my nutrition. I’ve made a lot of progress, gained close to 30lbs, and quit beer. Looking better feels good but I don’t think it should matter. Being healthier is a real plus. However, I don’t think these are the actual interesting points of lifting. For me, it is working day in and day out without seeing any progress for a long time. Sounds a bit cliche but you actually need to believe in yourself and keep at it for some time to see results. People around you tell different things, mostly their own personal experiences but presented as facts, and they always have an idea of what you should do. This pattern is everywhere, and lifting makes you realize: Consistency is the key.
For a few days/weeks, Grow with Deniz was left unattended. Not that I feel like my wide audience was missing out, I always assumed writing makes my thinking more clear. This is why, starting today, I’ll continue to Grow with Deniz. Hope you enjoy & learn.